Pedal to the metal.
B/SPOKE Warehouse
As we all know, the pandemic has thrown businesses into uncharted territory. Part of staying afloat, has meant adapting. That’s exactly what B/SPOKE looked to do when they partnered with us to create their Warehouse space. The goal: stay open but keep their members as safe as possible.
So they took over a massive industrial space in South Boston to spread everyone out. The space was huge, and because it was always intended to be temporary, the budget was limited. To bring it to life in a meaningful way, we had to make sure we were smart with how we focused that budget. So we came up with a layout and a program that leveraged the vast warehouse space and transformed it into the concept. With strategically-placed lighting, graphics, and A/V, we were able to give B/SPOKE members not just a safe space to work out but a new and vibrant space that they could love in and of itself. The Warehouse was a hit, so much so that we translated its spirit into the design of B/SPOKE’s new, permanent space just across the street. Check out the finished space in our Work section also.
Big shout-out to the extremely talented artists that took the space to the next level.
@curtistic @brandalizm @rastagrandpa @merkaveli_ @rixyfz @reillyinks @raodee_rekloos @crocpaints
South Boston, MA
15,600 sf
National Development
Iron Works Boston
Merk Aveli
Rasta Grandpa
Reilly Inks
Korri Leigh