Why, yes.
We will have another round.

Lord Hobo Extension

They say success breeds success. And the taproom we designed several years back with Lord Hobo, has been immensely successful. So much so that an expansion was necessary.

So we dove back into the design to add some extra space while expanding upon the existing “Viking industrial” vernacular to make it even more active. We put together a plan that extended the existing taproom and created a new outdoor patio that Hobo didn't have before. Large garage doors marry the two new spaces and essentially create a movable wall that can be raised and lowered depending on the weather. In addition, we incorporated large mirrors throughout to make ”The Humble Castle” feel even grander. When all was said and done, we were able to double their useable square footage, add another full bar, add a new secondary commercial kitchen, and increase the overall occupancy from 180 to 470. Which adds up to more people, more pints, and even more success.
Woburn, MA
4,300 sf
Westlake Fabrications
Boston Welding
Custom Beverage Services
Boston Light Source
Korri Leigh
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